Enrober 1.1.0 released

Version 1.1.0 of Enrober is complete and available at the Enrober homepage. This version adds a couple of features, a bugfix and a major change in the file layout used by Enrober. I thought about leaving the changes to the file structure till a major version number change but I figured it would be good to make the changes early in the project's life-cycle before it is more widely used.

New Features

  • Added support for mobile browser detection and support in included templates. To add mobile support to your own themes, simply create the mobile version in a sub-directory named "m"
  • Added support for the X-Requested-With header sent by AJAX libraries If the ENROBER_X_REQUESTED_WITH constant in your config file is set to true (the default) any request with a the x-requested-with header set to "XMLHttpRequest" is served without the header and footer, returning only the content of the page.

Other Changes and bugfixes

  • Changed the file structure to take things more in a convention over configuration direction. Enrober must now always be kept in a separate sub-directory. This simplifies some of the code and removes the need for some of the more confusing options in the config file. All user customizable files (aside from themes) are now kept in a /cfg/ directory. Files in /cfg/ will always ship with a name that includes '.default', for instance config.default.php. To customize the file copy and rename it without the '.default' in it's name. This will ensure that installing a new version of Enrober will not overwrite your customized files.

  • Fixed a bug in the way manual_cache() deals with integers as input. It now correctly treats them as expiration date timestamps.

  • Removed $enrober->debug(); trigger_error(), FirePHP, and other techniques work better for debugging PHP code, removing it also reduces code size and overhead.

Updated: One other thing I didn't mention, the way you invoke Enrober has changed slightly. You can no longer pass the theme name as the second parameter to go(), if you need to change a page specific theme, you can now use $enrober->set_theme().

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